Community Youth Earning
Through Apiculture Value-Added and Bi Products
Goal: The goal of this proposed Project is Youth Economic Empowerment, through targeted skills training, in an Apiculture Training and Production Facility, at Nazareth in Maidstone, Manchester.
The building and land ( a facility formerly used for the production of cheese) to be used for the Project is owned by the Moravian Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, of which Unitas a service agency of the Moravian church in Jamaica and the Cayman Iislands) is an arm The Project will provide training and income generating activities for interested members of the Maidstone community, as a solution to the problem identified, where some of the young people are not productively engaged.
Sixty persons are expected to be trained in Apiculture Industry Practices by the end of 2019, to facilitate un-employed individuals in the community becoming Entrepreneurs.
Components of the Project include: rehabilitating and retrofitting the building at Nazareth, which is designated for the proposed project activities, with the requisite tools and equipment. In addition, an apiary will be established on a section of the land. All activities, including honey harvesting, hive equipment construction, good apiary management and proper record keeping practices, as well as, the production of Value-added products, will be used as a platform for training. There will also be planting of nectar-producing trees for pollination and bee feeding.
- Repair Building, install
infrastructure (bathroom, kitchenette, workshop,
conference room and office) - Install training and production
- Building rehabilitation and
retrofitting completed satisfactorily. - Training and production tools and equipment in place
and ready for use.
2. Apiary Establishment
- Identify and clear apiary
location. - Purchase and place Bee
- Apiary consisting of fifty
bee hives in operation - A minimum of sixty young people trained and hopefully employed by December
3. Training and production
- Training in Apiary Establishment and Hive Management and Maintenance
- Training in Record keeping
best practices - Training in honey extraction
and value-added products, such
as bees wax - Hive equipment construction
A minimum of sixty (60) young persons competent in:
- Apiculture best practices and
standards including record
keeping. - Knowledge of appropriate
methods to extract hive products and produce value
added products. - Hive equipment production
(hive bodies, frames, bottom
boards and hive covers)
- Clear site and plant trees
- Maintenance of young trees
- Improved forest cover
- Increased pollination activities by the bees, to positively impact the environment
- Greater food security
- Broader knowledge of agro forestry by community members
The issue which the activities of the Project will address, is that a number of young persons, particularly from low-income families, have graduated high school and have not moved on to higher education, or meaningful employment. Some are without the prerequisite, competencies to acquire jobs to sustain themselves economically and contribute positively to the development of the community. This is the kind of status that creates frustration for the young people, put strain on the nominal resources of the families, as well as, fosters additional hardships; especially on the younger children in the family and by extension the community.
hty. This is the kind Jobs to sustain themsa Education, or me.
It is reasonable to believe, that if this un-employment problem in this community is not appropriately addressed; these young people, with a lot of energy and nothing purposeful to occupy their time, may become involved in undesirable and unproductive activities. “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”.
Project Sustainability
This project is a cooperative effort funded by the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica (EFI) and Unitas of Jamaica along with the Maidstone communities. An agro processing plant project started in 2009 intended to assist in the creation of sustainable, community based food systems.
The project will support the production of such product in small communities in order to improve their own consumption and to explore the economic potential for export sales. Inclusivity is important in any planned planning activity. Therefore, by involving the members of the community in both the planning and implementation stage of the project, it is expected that their vested interest will help to motivate their commitment in ensuring its sustainability. Additionally, through evaluation, reviews, implementation of recommendations and constant maintenance of the apiary to provide raw material for production, the project’s sustainability is guaranteed. The income generated from this venture will be invested in a fund to replicate this model throughout the specified communities.
Project Management and Administration:
Successful implementation of the project is assured through the engagement of two persons with the requisite apicultural experience, knowledge and Proficiency in training and practice. Additional technical expertise has been identified and is available for specific areas of the proposed project.
The Unitas of Jamaica (Mr. Lester Murray – Agronomist & Mr. Oniel Bailey – Project Manager and Irrigation Specialist)) will oversee the implementation of the project with guidance from the National Irrigation Commission/Rural Agricultural Development Authority. The beneficiaries are expected to take ownership of the project and take the necessary steps that may be required for the successful implementation of the project.
- The introduction of new practices and personnel who have not previously worked with the new systems will present
a challenge to the operation of the water system. - Social and political instability in the communities hinders consistent interaction with target groups.
- Lack of adequate funding to support the vision of Ministry of Agriculture Food Programmes in these communities.
- The increasing opportunities of irrigation at this location will provide a perfect base for students, farmers and market
venders to acquire high quality produce on a daily. Our potential customers want more high quality produce, and we intend to be in a better position to give it to them. - As our target group needs more attention we are more likely to provide a model which will include new learning
techniques, not just irrigation technology but also green house technology. - Emerging Technologies. The rate of new agricultural practices presents an opportunity to be explored.
- Innovation shortens life cycles and hence the need to act timeously on the market. This will recoup new service
introductions in a shorter time frame for storage of produce. - Extended low rainfall period
- Accidental death of stray animals or humans by drowning in ponds
- Vandalism and praedial larceny
- The slow adoption rate of new technologies and products in these parts of the world does not bode well for our intended products and services.
- Members of the group are strategically placed in various organizations with the necessary contacts to access
additional funding to reduce the risk of inadequate funding. - Strategically located to service our target communities.
- The concept of the programme offered is unique.
- Networking with other social community groups on strategies they have used to mitigate instability.
- Combination of skills in implementation. The management team intends to jointly develop strategy and long-term plans with its strategic allies, having wide experience in their respective field and know-how, and strong technical skills and community know-how.
- Low rate of post harvest packaging
Organisation Strategy
Unitas of Jamaica has committed trained professionals volunteer who had assisted in the design and implement all its projects. In a highly volatile country with increasing social instability, we recognize the need to be constantly changing to adapt to the prevailing environment. The management team extensive expertise and a broad knowledge of the solutions provided, if well planned, will enable the project to realize its goals and objectives. The management style will reflect the participation of all qualified members of church community that will respect its community and treat all participants well. We will develop and nurture the project as a community rather that an organisation.
We keep seeking direct and indirect support with our corporate and ecumenical partners to expand the project as improvement to all our programmes. The facility will continue to be made available to the community the same services with a view to receive buy-in from the government and private sector to contribute the subsidies for the charges to users to ensure sustainability for access to the use of the facilities.
Organisation Sustainability
The beekeeping business is an untapped goldmine but sure requirements expertise to be able to take care of the bees and perform other tasks. In terms of the manpower needed to run a bee farm, an individual with a thorough knowledge about bees can run a bee farm but it all depends on the size.
Maidstone Honey requires a small inventory of Bee hives with established colonies; Hive tools, Smokers and fuel, Protective veil, coveralls and gloves, Honey extracting equipment, vehicle for transporting beehives, packaging for bee-related products and additional supplies, including feeding and medicines. These items will be purchase at most hardware stores or Jamaica Bee Farmers Association and will be stored on the farm. Therefore a small inventory will supplement the equipment available to us via the contracted technician as the farm demands. There are certain tools and equipment that according to codes will be the same maintenance materials and procedure that will be in stock on a monthly basis. The value of the stock will be approximately $2,000.00 per month depending on the rate of turnover.
Collaborations and Partnerships
Maidstone Honey will be a privately owned Limited Liability Company and managed commercial bee farms and honey production business that intend starting small in Jamaica, but hope to grow big in order to compete favorably with leading commercial bee farms and honey production companies in the industry both in the Jamaica and on a global stage.
We are aware of the importance of building a solid business structure that can support the picture of the kind of world class business we want to own. Initially, we will have two members with equal equity stakes in the company making all voting decisions.
A Managing director who is one of the investors will be identified to run meetings and provide some form of order to ongoing discussions. This is why we are committed to only hire the best hands within our area of operations. Additionally, we will hire technocrats as needed to help our maintenance programme. Technocrats will be paid on a per deliverable basis.
At Maidstone Honey, we will ensure that we hire people that are qualified, hardworking, and creative, result driven, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all the stake holders (the owners, workforce, and customers).
Governance Structure
The detailed monthly personnel plan for the first years as set out below. We believe this plan is a fair compromise between fairness and expedience, and meets the commitments of our mission statement.
We want the project to stay lean and flexible so that we can respond to our communities needs quickly. As we expand and increase in size we do expect to increase our personnel to include honey expertise.
There is a monthly board meeting of Unitas that is held at the project site from time to time.